upcoming events!
The first workshop to happen in my studio is finally scheduled! This will be on Saturday April 6th 10-2. I am limiting the classes to 8 people so that I can give everyone a better learning experience. I will have one workshop a month to start. Other exciting news, I will be designing the poster for The Southwest Print Fiesta this year which takes place in Silver City October 11-14 and I will be teaching a workshop as well, this is a great weekend full of printmaking workshops, steamroller printing and printmakers from around the country selling their work. On April 13th I will be in Albuquerque at Fusion participating in Big Ink, I am carving a 3’x4’ piece of plywood that will be printed on the Big Tuna press, this event takes place all weekend and is open to the public. I will be participating in the Santa Fe Society of Artists parking lot show on April 20th-21, I am very excited to be a part of this great group of artists! These weekend shows go from April to October. The Railyard Artisan Market is still one of my favorite places to set up, I am there most Sundays 10-3, the Tuesday market will start in May. Thats it for now, I hope to see you out and about!