Halfway through May already!
It is always hard to believe how fast time goes by, here it is already the 15th of May! This has been a crazy busy year so far. I have been spending all of my time carving, printing, selling at Art Markets in Santa Fe, taking clay classes at Santa Fe Community College, phew! I am drinking lots of protein shakes to keep my energy up, definitely need to add cardio in there. I am teaching one workshop a month at my studio, I will be teaching a workshop at Muse in Santa Fe July 27th, you can go to their website for details. I have been accepted into the Santa Fe Society of Artists so that means I will be showing two weekends a month at the bank parking lot between San Francisco and Palace of the Governors, this show has been going for 40 years! I know you might be saying, “wait she lives in Las Vegas” well I actually live in Santa Fe in a tiny casita that shares a wall with my mom, when the opportunity came up to buy the building in Las Vegas we couldn’t pass it up, my printing equipment needs a lot of space! And if you know Santa Fe, you know that finding a space to buy that is affordable is very challenging, so I commute a few days a week to print the blocks that I have carved while at home in Santa Fe. Las Vegas is a wonderful town that I enjoy being in while I’m working in the studio. I show at the Railyard on the Sundays that I’m not at the parking lot and the Tuesday artist/ Farmers Market has started, this is a great day to buy from the farmers, not as crowded as Saturdays, and buy from local artists inside the pavilion.
Here is my schedule:
Every Tueday 8-1 Railyard Artisan Market
May: 18-19 , 25-26 SFSA Bank parking lot between San Francisco and Palace of the Governors 9-5:30 (Sat-Sun)
June: 2nd and 9th Railyard Artisan Market 10-3 (Sunday)
June 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th Railyard Artisan market 8-1 Tuesday)
June 15-16, 22-23, Santa Fe Society of Artists Bank parking lot between San Francisco and Palace of the Governors (sat-Sun)
July 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th Railyard Artisan Market 8-1 (Tuesday)
July 7th, 21st, 28th Railyard Artisan Market (Sunday) 10-3
July 13th-14th Santa Fe Society of Artists 9-5:30 (Sat-Sun)
July 27th Muse fabric printing workshop 10-3 (Saturday)
August 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th Tuesday Railyard artisan Market 8-1
August 4th and 18th Sundays Railyard artisan Market 10-3
August 10-11, 24-25 SFSA Bank parking lot 9-5:30
September 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th Tuesday Railyard Artisan market 8-1
September 8th and 22nd Sunday Railyard Artisan Market 10-3
October 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th Tuesday Railyard artisan Market 8-1
October 5-6 last SFSA show for me bank parking lot 9-5:30 ( the season ends the 12-13th)
October 11-14 Silver City Print Fiesta! I will be teaching a workshop on the 14th
November every Sunday and Tuesday at the Railyard Artisan market
December every Sunday at the Railyard Artisan market
I have decided to stay home this year and only show locally, Santa Fe is a great art destination, I do not need to go anywhere else to sell!
I will keep you posted of any exciting news.
Thanks for keeping up with me,